Sunday, April 26, 2009

Halle at One Month Old

Random Pictures of Halle

Halle's First Doctor Appointment

Halle's first Doctor Appointment went really well. She was back to her birth weight 7 lbs 2 oz. All her tests came back normal and Dr. Chaet thought Halle was beautiful! Here is a picture of Halle and I...

Friday, April 24, 2009

Halle's First Day Home

We arrived home from the hospital on Wednesday, March 25th. Here is a picture of daddy walking Halle through the front door. We were so excited to show Halle her room and be home as a family for the first time.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

And We are Back...

It's amazing how time flies when you're having fun and did I mention A BABY??

On Monday, March 23rd Halle Michelle Pattisson was born at 11:54 a.m. I couldn't believe how beautiful she was when they first put her on my chest! At that moment, my life changed forever! She was PERFECT! She was 7 lbs, 2 oz, and 20 inches. Here are some pictures:

We stayed at El Camino Hospital for three nights and were more than pleased with our stay. All the nurses and staff were very wonderful and caring. What an incredible experience that was!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Any Day Now!!!

I'm now 39 weeks and my due date is this Sunday, March 22nd. I can't believe we are talking days now even hours till she could come. Andrew and I are very excited and so ready for Halle to be here. If I don't have her by this Sunday, I go in to the hospital Sunday evening to be induced! Wish us luck...we will keep you posted!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Prego Picts

Here are some pictures that Andrew and I had done on my 38th week. We got to my mom's house and she set up a photo shoot for us and took some amazing photos. Andrew was such a trooper and we had a blast. Thanks mom; who knew you had yet another talent...little miss photographer!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Halle's Nursery

"The ASU girls sure know how to throw a party"

On Sunday, February 22nd my college friends, Bethany, Katy, Kat, Lindsay, Heather, and Jennifer threw me an incredible baby shower. It was at McCarther Park and included were close family and friends. The girls did such an amazing job with the decorations and organizing everything. From the linens that were flown in to the beautiful flower arrangements everything was perfect! I'm so lucky to have such amazing friends and family and will remember that day for the rest of my life. We got sooo many incredible gifts and wanted to thank everyone so much! Here are some pictures from the special day.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

35 1/2 Weeks

Above are two pictures of my belly at 35 ½ weeks. My belly is starting to feel huge, heavy, and tight (especially at night). As Halle is growing she’s starting to put more pressure on my upper ribs which is really uncomfortable.
On a happy note, this Thursday, February 19th is my last day of work! I’m so excited to have about 4 weeks off before Halle comes to relax, take naps, go on walks, make Andrew gourmet dinners, and get everything ready! I couldn’t be anymore thrilled about this!!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

34 1/2 Weeks

6 Weeks Left

I have to start this blog by saying that after seeing baby Bella and baby Kendall this weekend, it’s making me “extremely” excited and anxious to meet little miss Halle. I can’t wait to see what she looks like and to finally be able to hold her in my arms! I can’t wait to cuddle with her and introduce her to my family and friends!!!

On Baby Center it says:
“Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (like your average cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. Her fat layers — which will help regulate her body temperature once she's born — are filling her out, making her rounder. Her skin is also smoother than ever. Her central nervous system is maturing and her lungs are continuing to mature as well. If you've been nervous about preterm labor, you'll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies.”

For the most part I’m still feeling great and I’m still working full time. I’m finding that in the afternoons and evenings my feet and hands become really swollen. Wearing flip flops during the day is a must now for comfort! Trying to find an easy position to sit in — let alone sleep — is becoming more of a challenge. I find myself bumping into chairs and counters now which is very weird for me! A couple of times I have bummed into Andrew (well my belly has) and we both just laugh. Until next time…

And her name is...

Halle Michelle Pattisson

Friday, February 6, 2009

Surprise Baby Shower

On Wednesday, February 4th our work threw Andrew and I a surprise baby shower. Andrew and I went to a property in the morning (well Andrew went to the property and I went home to take a nap). When arriving back at the office at noon to meet my dad for lunch, I was VERY surprised to see all of our co-workers shouting “surprise”. Andrew was a part of this surprise the entire time but never told me. They sure did a good job of pulling it off. I was so shocked!!! We had lunch in the conference room; lots of yummy salads, sandwiches, chips, fresh fruit, and punch. The conference room was decorated with streamers, balloons, and lots of pink. After lunch we had cupcakes and opened gifts. It was so cool having Andrew at this surprise baby shower so he could partake in the fun, share this memory with me, and take a turn opening gifts. We are so lucky to be working for such an amazing company filled with such nice and genuine people. We would like to thank Jan, Claudia, and Priscilla for making this happen and thank you to everyone for all of the very special gifts!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Welcome to the world baby Avery, Bella, and Kendall

Andrew and I had the honor of going to visit Heather, Ben and Baby Bella last night in the hospital. We instantly fell in love with Bella. She is so tiny and cute as a button. While Andrew and I were holding Bella the reality that we are next "really" hit home. It’s absolutely incredible that we can create such a tiny miracle. Congratulations to Margot & Tre, Heather & Ben and Grant & Jamie! We are so excited to join in on the fun and we are looking forward to all of the new memories we will share!
And yes, our little girls are going to rule Los Altos!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hiccup Time

While watching TV daddy put his ear to my belly and he could feel that little baby Pattisson was having “hiccups”. I didn’t even realize this was going on until Andrew pointed it out to me. I quickly put my hand on my belly and I could feel the tiny rhythmic movements. On Baby Center it said to expect feeling them sometime around week 27, so it was really fun to actually be able to experience this!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

9 Weeks Left

On Baby Center it says:
“This week, your baby measures over 16 inches long. She weighs about 3.3 pounds (try carrying four navel oranges) and is heading into a growth spurt. She can turn her head from side to side, and her arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath her skin. She's probably moving a lot, too, so you may have trouble sleeping because your baby's kicks and somersaults keep you up. Take comfort: All this moving is a sign that your baby is active and healthy.”

I really have no complaints right now. It’s been sunny and in the high 60’s this week and I’m still feeling great! Sour candies taste really good to me right now which is so not like me! The maternity pillow has done wonders for my back but I know Andrew can’t wait for that big pillow to be gone! Working out is starting to get a little bit more difficult so I’m mostly taking long walks now. I can’t believe we only have about 9 weeks left….

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Watch This!

Baby Pattisson is very active in Mommy's tummy from about 8:00-9:00 p.m. We love laying in bed and watching Lisa's stomach move. Attached is a video of our little baby girl moving and grooving around. As you will see Lisa's stomach really moves especially towards the end of the video. Also, we have a guest star in the's our other princess and favorite dog Miss Daisy May.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Baby Shower

This past Saturday my sister Jen and my sister-in-law Haley threw me an incredible baby shower. It was at Los Altos Golf and Country Club in a private room with close friends and family. Jen and Haley decorated the room in pink and browns, had beautiful flowers candles and balloons, and had baby pictures of Andrew and I up all around the room. A little side note: Andrew was the cutest little boy I have EVER seen! The amount of detail and effort Jen and Haley put into everything was truly unbelievable! We had eggs benedict (one of my all time favorite’s for brunch), played baby bingo, and I opened lots of gifts!!! We mostly received gifts from our registry (baby items we will actually need) so we are very blessed and excited about everything we got!!! Little baby Pattisson is already very spoiled. Thank you so much to everyone who took time out of their weekend to come and celebrate with me and a BIG thank you to Jen and Haley for making my baby shower SO special!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Sleeping Patterns

It’s amazing to me how much my sleeping patterns have changed over the last couple of months. Before I was pregnant I would love to sleep. I would take pleasure in sleeping in on the weekends. I would never get up in the middle of the night and I could sleep through anything. Now, I’m up at least four-five times a night and I’m wide awake by 7 a.m. I think this is God’s way of getting me prepared for waking up every two-three hours with the baby! Little Baby Pattisson…I’m ready for you!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

4 D Ultrasound

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a very wonderful New Years. We would like to share with all of you that we had our 4d ultrasound of the little baby last week. It started out very frustrating because our little girl was not being cooperative at all. For most of the ultrasound she had her face covered with her hands, legs, and every other body part she had available.
I hope that this isn’t a sign that she will be a difficult child in the years to come. The ultrasound technician ended up trying all her tricks to get the baby to move. She had Lisa high stepping up and down the hallway and even resting in weird yoga positions. Eventually our baby turned her head and what we saw was so precious! It was amazing to be able to see her features and the curves of her face. Attached are a few of the pictures we just loved.

Monday, January 5, 2009

29 weeks...

On Baby Center it says:
"This week she weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. Her muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and her head is getting bigger to accommodate her growing brain — which is busy developing billions of neurons. Every day, about 200 milligrams of calcium is deposited in your baby's skeleton, which is now hardening. With this rapid growth, it's no surprise that your baby's nutritional needs reach their peak during this trimester."

3rd and Final Trimester

I’m now in my third and final trimester! Can you believe it? My belly is growing bigger and bigger everyday. Random people are asking me when I’m due; so I’m really showing now! I feel her move all the time and I can actually see my stomach move causing the left or right side of my stomach to go up or down. It feels like she’s practicing Martial Arts in there.
These last couple of weeks I’ve been really busy with tests and getting my blood drawn. The first time they tested me for gestational diabetes my test came back a little high, so I had to go back in for more testing. The second round of testing consisted of a three hour test and getting my blood drawn four times! I’m happy to report that after all those tests I do NOT have diabetes. However, the tests did show that I’m anemic so this means I will be taking iron pills and she recommended eating more red meat!
Last week I had my 28 week routine check-up with Dr. Barbie and everything went well. We heard her heart beat and she is measuring right on track. Because of my very rare blood type I had to get a shot of RhoGAM. RhoGAM is an injectable blood product used to protect an Rh-positive fetus from antibodies produced by its Rh-negative mother. The injections are given at about 28 weeks in the pregnancy and immediately after delivery. With these injections, Rh-negative women can have safe Rh-positive pregnancies.
We would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! Cheers to 2009!