Monday, October 20, 2008

It's not a's a Jill....yes we are having a GIRL!!!

We had our big ultrasound appointment today and it went perfect! The doctor measured the heart, the arms, the legs, the kidney, the femur, the fingers and toes, and all were present and accounted for! Better yet, the Doctor assured us that everything looked very normal and healthy. It wasn't until the end of the appointment that the Doctor finally said, "THERE ARE THE TWO LINES THAT SHOW THE BEGINNING OF A VAGINA". My eyes instantly filled with tears of joy! Andrew held it together but already seemed nervous thinking about all the boys that he will have to fend off.
During the ultrasound we saw her move her arm, her hand, and move her chin. We were able to see her profile and it looks so adorable. She has a perfect little nose and it looks like she has her daddy's lips! We can't believe how big she is already! After our appointment we went to the mall and we each picked out a little onesie from Baby Gap...look out Daddy the shopping has already begun! After shopping we met my mom for dinner and toasted our little baby GIRL!

Friday, October 17, 2008


We have made our big ultra-sound appointment for Monday, October 20th! At this appointment the doctor should be able to tell us the sex of the baby!!!! Andrew and I are dying to know...the suspense has been killing us! We are very eager to find out if our lives will include raising a little girl or a little boy for our first time parenting! I have no idea what we are having. Some moms say they have had clear dreams or a gut feeling about what they are having but I haven't had either of those. Andrew has had two dreams that we are having a boy so we will soon find out if his dreams will soon become reality! We are praying the baby will be in a good position so we can tell if we are having a little baby boy or girl! Wish us luck!!!

I have been feeling really good lately other than going potty about four times a night! I guess it's natures way of starting to prepare me for getting up at all hours of the night! My tummy actually looks like I'm pregnant now and not like I just have a beer belly. YAY! I'm officially in all maternity pants and my regular tops are getting very tight! It's amazing how fast your body changes.

Boy or Girl...we will find out in 3 days!!!! Wahooo!

16 1/2 Weeks

We hope everyone is doing well. Here is my belly at 16 1/2 weeks!

On baby center it says: “Get ready for a growth spurt. In the next few weeks, your baby will double his weight and add inches to his length. Right now, he's about the size of an avocado: 4 1/2 inches long (head to rump) and 3 1/2 ounces. His legs are much more developed, his head is more erect than it has been, and his eyes have moved closer to the front of his head. His ears are close to their final position, too.”

11 1/2 Weeks

Here are two pictures of my belly at 11 1/2 weeks. I swear my belly looks way bigger than these pictures are portraying (especially right after I eat dinner my belly is much bigger). It’s growing so fast! As of Monday September 1st, I’m finally starting to feel a little better! I’m still feeling like I need to eat all the time, but I’m not nauseous anymore!!! HIP HIP HOORAY!

Welcome to our Baby Site

Dear friends and family,
Welcome to our baby site. We thought this would be a neat way of keeping everyone updated on our 40 week journey through pregnancy. Let me start out by telling you how we found out I was pregnant:
On Sunday, July 6th we were so excited to be heading to the great island of Maui with my family for a weeks vacation. Andrew and I were so eager to escape the hectic work week and be able to relax pool-side with a cocktail in hand. After celebrating our 1 year wedding anniversary the weekend before we were so thrilled to follow that with a family vacation to paradise. Considering the fact that we were drinking tropical cocktails and a slight intuition there was a chance I could be pregnant, I decided to take a pregnancy test three days early. On the morning of Thursday, July 10th Andrew and my brother Scott were already downstairs fighting the battle of getting the best lounge chairs. As soon as I woke up I quickly took a pregnancy test. Immediately I saw the word "PREGNANT" on the little stick. I couldn't believe my eyes...) with my heart pounding out of my chest I ran into Scott and Haley's room and woke up Haley. I took one more test just to make sure I was really pregnant and sure enough I saw that word again "PREGNANT". Haley and I ran downstairs to find the boys. I pulled Andrew aside to tell him the news. We walked down the beach holding hands, crying, laughing, shaking, and quickly realizing how our lives were about to change forever. We were both so shocked that it happened so quickly, but more excited to start the next adventure in our lives!!!